miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Mounting the Camera

Because our team had so many projects to work on we had only one day to finish both mechanical and program tasks for the camera tracking project. Here I present some pictures about how we did the pan tilt motion with servomotors for the IBM camera we used:

"Aquí se describe también el proceso con el cual se dobló el acrílico etc."

Note the materials were:

-2 Servomotors "Marca y modelo"
-1 IBM Camera "Modelo"
-"Acrílico de 6 milimetros"
-"Cinta de Aislar"

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011


This blogg is intended to be as a little logfile of our progress on mounting a camera witg 2 degrees of freedom (pan and tilt) with the goal on detecting patterns and follow them trying to maintain the target on the center of the camera frame.

This is a little but interesting project made of the topic of Virtual Instrumentation. This project was made in the ITESM-CEM.

Tutor: Dr. Alejandro Pineda

Oscar Rodrigo Hernández Panczenko
Cynthia Durán